The tribe_client package

This python package allows web servers created using the Django web framework to connect directly to Tribe and make use of its resources. Users of the client web server can login to access their Tribe resources via Tribe OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Download and Install

Tribe-client is registered as “django-tribe-client” in PyPI and is pip installable:

pip install django-tribe-client


The source for tribe-client can be found here:

Quick Start

  1. Add tribe_client to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:
  1. Include the tribe-client URLconf in your project’s URLconf (usually
from django.conf.urls import url, patterns, include

urlpatterns = patterns('',
  (r'^tribe_client/', include('tribe_client.urls')),
  1. Register your client server at Make sure to:
  1. Be logged-in using your Tribe account
  2. Select “Confidential” under Client type and
  3. Select “Authorization Code” under Authorization grant type
  4. Enter your client server’s address plus “/tribe_client/get_token” in the Redirect uris box. If your client server’s current address is, enter


Currently, Tribe supports the following Authorization grant types:

  • Authorization code
  • Resource owner password-based

and does not support the following:

  • Implicit
  • Client credentials
  1. Write down the Client ID in the TRIBE_ID setting and the Client secret in the TRIBE_SECRET setting in your file like so:
TRIBE_ID = '*****Tribe Client ID*****'
TRIBE_SECRET = '*****Tribe Client Secret*****'
  1. The TRIBE_REDIRECT_URI setting should be the address of the client server plus “/tribe_client/get_token”.
  1. Make sure that you have a base.html template that the tribe_client templates can extend
  2. Make a link that takes the user to the /tribe_client url of your website for them to log in using Tribe

A Closer Look

Under the hood, tribe-client has functions that:

  1. Get an access token (via the OAuth2 protocol) that allows users to access and create resources in Tribe.
  2. Retrieves public and private collections (and their versions) and displays them on the client server using views and templates included in the package.
  3. Allows users to create new collections and versions remotely, from the client server